Alplaus residents Gray & Vicki Watkins generously donated 54 acres of property to the MHLC. This will preserve this beautiful acreage now and for generations to come. The MHLC will hold a Public Meeting to discuss plans and answer questions on April 16th at 7pm at the Alplaus Firehouse. To learn more about the MHLC and sign up for their newsletter go to:
2025 Alplaus Citizens of the Year
Congratulations and thank you to Aubrie Szeli & Amelia George. Your hard work, creative efforts and inspirations are so appreciated by everyone in Alplaus especially the kids. Go “Kids Carnival!”
2025 Hamlet Plan Draft - Ready to Review!
Click Here to review the 2025 Alplaus Hamlet Plan!
Bring questions and comments to the 3/13 annual meeting at the firehouse or contact anyone on the ARA board in advance.
Thursday, March 13, 2025 Alplaus Annual Community Meeting, 7 pm Alplaus Firehouse
All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Chili Challenge & Cookie Bake-Off
Saturday, March 8th from 6-8 pm
To enter contact: Lindsay at (914) 456-4431
Sponsored by the Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary
Runaround 2024 Pictures
2023 Runaround Photo Gallery
Alplaus 4th of July Schedule of Festivities and Entry Details

Sunday, June 30, 2024
10:30 am Ecumenical Church Service - Fire Department Pavilion
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
3:00 – 5:00 pm Kids’ Carnival - Fire Department Pavilion
Children up to age 10 are invited to an afternoon of petting zoo, games, crafts and ice cream. Please note, all children should be accompanied by an adult.
6:00 pm Firefighter Skills Competition - Fire Department Lawn
Cheer on our Alplaus firefighters as they compete against neighboring fire departments in friendly competition and skills. This is a great opportunity to show your support for these important volunteers in our community.
7:00 pm Alplaus Neighborhood Block Party - Fire Department Pavilion
Come join your neighbors for an evening of fun times and celebration. There will be music, food, and beverages!
Thursday, July 4, 2024
10:00 am Parade Line-Up - Glencliff Elementary School
All parade participants should arrive at Glencliff Elementary School, 961 Riverview Road, Rexford, for parade positioning.
11:00 am July 4 th Parade – 50th Anniversary Celebration Alplaus Avenue
The 50th Anniversary parade will leave Glencliff School and travel west on Alplaus Avenue. Parade entrants will be announced as they pass the fire house. The parade will continue down Alplaus Avenue, turn left onto Belmont Ave, left onto South Ave, and left onto Mohawk Ave. The parade will conclude by turning right onto Alplaus Avenue and ending at the Alplaus Fire House.
11:30 am July 4 th After Party - Fire Department Pavilion
Join us after the parade for more festivities and cheer. Lunch and refreshments will be available.
Alplaus T Shirt Gallery
One Alplaus Tradition is producing an annual 4th of July T-Shirt. These shirts are sold to residents at cost to promote the spirit of community. The gallery here presents a collection of vintage shirts from days of yore here in Alplaus. Maybe someday we can find them all? :)
Thank you Town of Glenville Supervisor Chris Koetzle and Town Board Members
Thank you Town of Glenville Supervisor Chris Koetzle and Town Board Members 1/12/24
The residents of the Hamlet of Alplaus wish to thank you and the Town Board for listening to our concerns about pedestrian safety, connectivity and traffic flow in our community.
We are pleased that the town and county have worked together to design, construct and maintain sidewalks along the length of Alplaus Avenue, from the railroad tracks near Maple Avenue to the upper end at the intersection with Bath Street.
In the short time since construction was completed, we have witnesses our elderly residents, young children, and physically disabled adults, along with other family members, regularly using the sidewalk to walk, ride bikes and motorized wheelchairs safely through our community. As you are aware, this need has been evident for decades, and thanks to your vision and drive we finally have a safe passage along this busy thoroughfare.
Please accept any comments regarding the project as simply reflecting our concerns for protecting and preserving this long-sought safe passage through our beloved community.
This valuable improvement would not have been possible without your vision and advocacy for the residents of Alplaus, and for that we are both pleased and grateful.
Thank you again!
Andy Gilpin, President on behalf of the Alplaus Residents Association
Sid Ramotar
Robert Kirkham, Jr.
Michael Aragosa
Brendan Gillooley