(see Alplaus News for additional events & details)
January 24, 7-8pm Movie Night, Sponsored by the Alplaus Residents Association (see Alplaus News for more details)
March 13th: Alplaus Community Meeting. 7pm @ Firehouse
March 8th: Alplaus Chili & Cookie Challenge 4-6pm, sponsored by the Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary
April: Earth Day Cleanup, Sponsored by the Alplaus Residents Association (date to be determined)
July 3rd: Kids Carnival, Sponsored by the Alplaus Residents Association
July 3rd: 4th of July Block Party, sponsored by the Alplaus Fire Department
July 4th: Alplaus 4th of July Parade, sponsored by the Alplaus Fire Department
September: Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary Apple Festival (date to be determined)
October 25th: Alplaus Runaround 1mile Fun Run, 5k, and Pet Parade, Sponsored by the Alplaus Residents Association
October 25th: Alplaus Fire Department Halloween Event & Open house, Sponsored by the Alplaus Fire Department
November 4th: Election Day Bake-Sale, sponsored by Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary
November: Blood Drive, sponsored by Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary (date to be determined)
December: Holiday Cookie Sale, sponsored by Alplaus Ladies Auxiliary (date to be determined)
December: Community Ecumenical Service (date to be determined).
December: Holiday Party & Tree Lighting, sponsored by the Alplaus Residents Association (date to be determined)