Thank you Schenectady County Legislature District 3 & Representatives 11/14/23

The Board of Directors of the Alplaus Residents Association,
on behalf of the residents of the Hamlet of Alplaus,
hereby express their gratitude and appreciation for the community improvements made possible by the concerted and generous efforts of the Schenectady County Legislature, District 3, and other representatives, which improvements have made our community safer, more pedestrian-friendly, and more attractive.

For more than forty years, we have sought a way to construct a safe passage for pedestrians along Alplaus Avenue. In the last few years, our elected officials heard us, and our discussions have now led to design and construction of sidewalks, so that our residents finally have a safe way to walk along the avenue. Maloy construction did a wonderful job, and all County personnel were polite and patient with our repeated questions and concerns.

Particular thanks go to Legislators Tom Constantine, Pete Frisoni, Michelle Ostrelich, and, of course, our own Sara Mae Pratt, as well as all of the legislature and county officials who helped make this happen.

We are also grateful to the Schenectady County Legislature for the funding for welcome signs at the three entry points to the hamlet and for the new digital sign in front of the firehouse, informing the community of both Fire District and community events and happenings.

Those of us who live in Alplaus, on the easterly edge of a large county, recognize the immense demands on this legislative body and want to publicly thank its members for dedicating their time and resources to the improvement of our beloved community. We look forward to working with you all for continued positive change within our hamlet, and across the county, in the future.